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Facial treatments

The face is the first thing we notice about another human being. So much of our personality is related to the signals we express through our face, which is why most people are particularly concerned with caring for just the face. Facials are an excellent complement to your skincare routine and help to boost the well-being of your skin.

The face is the first thing we notice about another human being. So much of our personality is related to the signals we express through our face, which is why most people are particularly concerned with caring for just the face. Facials are an excellent complement to your skincare routine and help to boost the well-being of your skin.

At the same time, a facial provides an expert with the best starting point for examining your skin in depth and selecting the right products for you, so that you get the most for your money and all the time that you spend caring for your skin.

You deserve luxury and well-being and complete attention when visiting our treatment floor. Our facial treatments always include our Alsik signature welcome ritual, which helps you completely unwind.

We use natural skincare from top brands like Amazing Space and Team Dr. Joseph. We strive to find the perfect balance between the latest knowledge, the best techniques, and the finest ingredients, with consideration for nature.

Book in advance

It is a good idea to call us to book your treatment in advance. This will enable us to warmly welcome you with the exact treatment you desire.

Calm Me Treatment

Wellness Face & Back Treat for men and women
60 min. / DKK 795

Collagen Power Treatment

The firming facial for all skin types with a focus on nourishing, smoothing and moisturizing masks, concentrates and skin refining care.
90 min. / kr. 1295,-

Add On Options

Options to add on to your treatment.
Coloring lashes or eyebrows
kr. 150,-
Straighten your eyebrows
kr. 150,-
Straighten eyebrows incl. color
kr. 250,-
Lash and brow tinting incl. straightening
kr. 300,-
Wax (e.g. upper lip, chin) per area
kr. 95,-

Book in advance

It is a good idea to call us to book your treatment in advance. This will enable us to warmly welcome you with the exact treatment you desire.

Wellness and Treatments also provide access to:

the Silent Mind Room and the unique Salt Lounge that stimulates the body into a deeply relaxed state – naturally and effectively.

Treatments Book in advance